Sunday 18 January 2015

"A drop of ink makes millions think", in my case if not millions than at least make over 10,000 to think (Fans of my pages,blogs and my followers). Lat year is bidding adieu with me gifting me freedom.Freedom from love,hopes and pressure. "Love leaves, friendship fades ,relatives retreat, support lose shades, its only you who can bring out your best" So, things were hard for me to gain anything tangible last year but when something hard strikes you it leaves you also a little harder than before. That's what 2014 had given me, if God forgets to write success in my destiny then he better take memory pills and allow me write it for myself in my own way. All the idle time I spend since one year had somehow enhanced my knowledge, my confidence and my writing quality. Hard time is the learning period of your life if you utilize it positively, just like when you are studying in one of the Top B-Schools or IITs where high expenses are incurring ,much of your time and hard work goes in learning but during this tough time you get no results out of it instantly but once you complete your studies you will be going to earn through the knowledge you have obtained during your tough time for the rest of your life. April showers brings May flowers, the adversities you are facing today is making you strong for tomorrow, just like regular fitness exercise which seems to be tough for the moment but develops strength on the long run. Some says my knowledge is waste as it's a dark knowledge about ghosts,chudails,daayans etc. but I am still amused at their words how knowledge can be assigned any color. It's your perception that how you react to it. One thing is very strange with me , as more and more people are turning against me my inner soul is feeling even more confident, as 
airplanes fly against the wind, ships sails against the water,it's a living person who swims against the tied ,with tides only wooden logs flows. Smooth sea seldom makes good sailors so I accept all the difficulties in 2014 in my way as hurdle race blocks to enhance my attentiveness, fitness and courage. And I have many big voyages to cover coming new year. If you really want to be big in life first learn to move against every small or big things or persons coming in your way. If you are not doing anything big you are simply doing nothing at all. Those who say that I have an attitude for them my life has no attitude but my attitude is my life and someday my life will end but my attitude will live even after me, to make my attitude immortal is my cardinal aim. For 2015 I know it's my year and I am coming with the second and the revised edition of my Horror Masterpiece "A Tale Of 10 Candles" part 2 to make fear your favorite fantasy. I will make 2015 a revolution and that is my only resolution. Not a mere changed of Date but change of destiny. Happy New Year Friends I love you all million thanks for your kind support and love and yes from 2015 my name will be slightly change it will be Mohit Panday from Mohit Pandey a little substitute of e from a and I will use it wherever possible so don't get confuse and enjoy. And special thanks to all those who make fun of me and criticize me you guys really help me to magnify my intensity to work and I promise all of you that soon I will be at that level which was unattainable by their father and grandfather and their fathers in past and will be unattainable by their coming ten generations.

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